Thursday, 11 December 2008

A Smack in the Face for Feminists

You know the old arguement that pornstars make when they say that what they do is empowering to women? I don't think the girls in this (safe for work, don't worry) banner ad have a leg to stand on, frankly.


Anonymous said...

Dressing like a 10 year old (with tits) is totes empowering to women. I mean come on, in the olden days men would only spit on your pussy if they wanted to, now they like want to and you get paid for it. Girl Power!

Bruce La Vrai said...

penis smack! i am very much going to get that into my everyday diction.

Anonymous said...

I've just bookmarked that. I think listening to Nick Cave this evening may have provoked a penis-smacking frenzy.

I'm sure it won't last . . .