Saturday, 13 December 2008

Blue Steel

Who'd be a male model eh? Other men will always resent you for being pretty, but the only people who fancy you are gay men, fat fashion students and other models, who are all completely mental. Sure, male models are the only people who get to have coke-fueled group sex with total babes on the regular, but the ones I know tell me it's an awkward, unsexy affair and you can't look at your buddy the same way once you've seen his arse bobbing up and down, also sometimes when that happens you get a flash of arsehole and then you can never speak again.

The other problem with being a male model is that you are really just a clothes horse and you could be a card carrying member of the BNP and people would still hire you, so if you're into lame things no one says a word because they want to keep you happy or they're into other lame things too. This is how accidents like this are allowed to happen:

Now, according to my buddy who is a male model as well, this guy is actually a nice guy amongst a sea of pricks even though he's a cheesy dude. But doesn't this video make you shudder more because he's so incredibly good looking? If it was two ugly boys from a provincial sixth form college it would be fine, but this guy has travelled the world and met some of the world's most creative people and still thinks acoustic guitar/terrible white MC is an acceptable combo. Youtube 'Snish' for more ska punk/nu metal atrocities with a total babe frontman.


Anonymous said...

this is the kind of thing you really shouldnt have put on youtube. finding a video of my friend doing this would probably be the equivalent of seeing his bumhole.

Anonymous said...

bob likes seeing his friends bumholes

Anonymous said...

Josh beech is sooooo cuuuuute

Anonymous said...

hes a lovely guy.

dan deckard said...

ha, amazing.